
What is Kinstretch?

The Kinstretch system is born out of scientific research. All of the movements and training techniques have been selected based on a meticulous and rigorous investigation of evidence, conducted by physical conditioning and medical experts for body control, injury mitigation, joint health, and physical longevity.

Unlike many training systems, the Kinstretch practice is complete with a self-assessment system allowing you the ability to monitor your own body for compensation that may be causing pain, loss of performance, or that may be putting you at an increased risk of injury.

What are the benefits?

Click each of the benefits below to find out more about how functional strength and movement training will help you.

Healthier Joints

In Kinstretch we aim to keep your joints healthy and to improve your strength by maximising neurological input, this will expand your range of motion (ROM) and give you more strength throughout that ROM, if we achieve this we more likely to go about whatever it is you want to do but with less chance of injury, because we have trained your body through its long and short ranges (not just the mid ranges).

Frequently Asked Questions

Is Kinstretch like yoga?

What do I cover in my 1-1s?

Kinstretch is an active form of movement which focuses on joint and tissue health, whilst Yoga tends to focus more on flexibility with passive movement ranges. It’s important to note that Kinstretch will help you to achieve your Yoga goals. So the best thing you can do is come and join a class and see the difference for yourself.

In my 1-1s, I work with anyone who thinks they would benefit from Kinstretch including: personal trainers, chiropractors and athletes to help them improve their biomechanics. My aim is to help you understand your body better and why it’s organising itself like it is. My sessions will always start with an assessment where I will look at what information your body is giving me and, based on this, I can program some helpful interventions for moving forward. Please reach out to me for more info on my 1-1s.

What are CARs?

How does Kinstretch fit into my training?

Controlled Articular Rotations (CARs) are like brushing the teeth of your joints. As we grow up we are told that we need to brush our teeth otherwise decay will set in, this logic applies to joints too – if we don’t move our joints enough they become disorganised and unhealthy. We also know that the body works on a use it or lose it basis and CARs are the systematic solution to todays sedentary lifestyle. They’re the one thing your can do on a daily basis to ensure you inject health and longevity into your joints.

Kinstretch classes can be very challenging but just remember that they aren’t meant to replace your current work-outs – they’re meant to help you improve your physical capabilities so you can continue to do what you love doing with the knowledge that you have strength trained your tissues to mitigate injury. Ultimately we want our tissues to be able to produce and absorb force.

Why do I cramp during Kinstretch?

What is Closing Angle Joint Pain?

Cramping is neurological confusion. When we open a new range with some isometrics, quite often we will cramp but it’s important to know that this shouldn’t last long or be painful. One of the main focuses of Kinstretch is giving you a greater range of motion, so to experience this is completely normal – the best thing you can do is try to remain calm and breath through it until it subsides.

Closing Angle Joint Pain (CAJP) is best described as a pinching sensation, this is not something we want to work into but we can defiantly work around it to improve the tissue quality at the joint.

7 Absolutely. Kinstretch classes can be very challenging. Just remember, Kinstretch classes aren’t meant to replace your current work-outs. They’re meant to help you improve your physical capabilities so you can continue to do what you love doing without the fear of getting injured.

8 Absolutely. Kinstretch classes can be very challenging. Just remember, Kinstretch classes aren’t meant to replace your current work-outs. They’re meant to help you improve your physical capabilities so you can continue to do what you love doing without the fear of getting injured.

Start Your Strength & Mobility Journey

Functional Strength & Movement Classes

These classes are for absolutely anyone and are specific to you and your body's needs. I would love to hear from you and see you in a class - online or in person.

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1-1 Sessions

Get in touch to arrange a premium 1-1 session with me. I will focus specifically on you and your needs to help you to alter your biomechanics, so your body serves you better. This includes expanding your range of motion, specific strength training and rehab; or if you're just wanting to feel and move better - I will help you on your journey.

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