What Is Irradiation?

08 September 2021

You will hear me use this word a lot throughout Kinstretch, so what is it and why do we do it?
Sir Charles Sherrington, the English neurophysiologist who discovered the stretch reflex (stretch reflex is the barrier that stops you stretching too far) stated that “A muscle working hard recruits the neighbouring muscles and if they are already part of the action it amplifies their strength, the neural impulses emitted by the contracting muscle reach other muscles and turn them on as an electric current starts a motor”.

The aim:
Is to increase range of motion but also make sure its USABLE range by developing your neurological control, this plays a role in reprogramming the brain also known as NEUROPLASTICITY.

The idea:
With irradiation is to eventually learn how to contract certain lines/places in the body to control the stress levels to intelligently cause tissue adaptation and neurological mindfulness to specific areas generating new ranges and healthier tissues.

I can help you feel and move better, to learn more check out tjpmobility.com where you will find details on my 1-1s and the practice of Kinstretch. Plus a load of free content on movements specific to you, alternatively you can drop me a line on Instagram @tjp_mobility.

I hope to see you soon

Trav (TJP) x