
My Journey

Hi, I'm Trav.

Sports & movement have always been a huge part of my life, from a young age I have been a keen mountain-biker and enjoyed many other sports such as snowboarding, cycling, climbing, surfing / skateboarding & traveling (if you can call travelling a sport? But it’s how I found yoga).

Yoga is where I developed a passion for human movement and I went on to complete my 200hrs training in Bali. After travelling much of the planet and attending a lot of yoga classes I realised there was an absence of male practitioners, therefore I decided to start a 'Bro-ga' class (yoga for men).

This was a huge success but something was still missing, the practise of yoga alone wasn’t enough. So as I furthered my knowledge about the body and its needs I slowly started to evolve my practice into a more of a mobility style, including more active stretching. .

My next course took me to London, studying FRC Functional Range Conditioning; this was the training that really opened up my eyes to what our bodies truly need to be successful at human movement. From this I went on to study FRA; an assessment method & Kinstrecth - a group practice born out of the FRC system.

I completed various mentorships, online and around the world , one that really stood out to me was the evolve mentorship run by exercise physiologist Alex effer, three years later Alex and I are still good friends and I continue to train with him alongside other keen like-minded movement professionals.

I personally believe that the science of human movement is continually evolving and I aim to "try" and keep up by not falling bias to a system and staying sat on the fence so I can see both sides.

"There is nothing more healing than finding gift and sharing it".

I hope you'll join me on my journey.


Functional Strength & Movement Classes

These classes are for absolutely anyone and are specific to you and your body's needs. I would love to hear from you and see you in a class - online or in person.

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1-1 Sessions

Get in touch to arrange a premium 1-1 session with me. I will focus specifically on you and your needs to help you to alter your biomechanics, I always start with an assessment (assess dont guess) from there I deliver rehab and strength sessions based around improving your physical freedom getting you stronger , out of pain and moving better.

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