





The Benefits of Mobility Training

If you don't move it you lose it...
Mobitlity Training will help you get it back again (and feel years younger while you're at it).

Healthy Joints

One of the best ways to maintain a healthy joint is for the joint itself to regularly express movement through all its degrees of freedom.

More Strength

This is the kind of strenght you won't get from lifting weights. It's safe and tissue-specific.

Range of Motion

With a greater range of motion you can start move more like a human with less insult to the body.

Injury Mitigation

Stronger joints and increased mobility can help to reduce those annoying injuries.

Improved Posture

Your body will adapt to survive and your posture is a reflection of this. But is it serving you well?

Increased Flexibility

You'll be able to do more than just put your socks on in the morning. You deserve this!

Find Out More

Success Stories

"I've seen great results with Kinstretch. The exercises help me keep my limbs, neck and back supple allowing for greater movement and helping to prevent injury with my running and cycling. As I age, it's helping me to continue with my sports and outdoor persuits!"


Runner & Cyclist

“I swim and play football but kept pulling my calf. The exercises we've been doing have strengthened my tissues and I have not suffered any calf issues since. Kinstretch will help you live the lifestyle you want. Without aches or pains!”


Swimmer & Footballer

“As a runner, practising Kinstretch weekly is an opportunity for some body awareness, plus it improves strength and mobility which is key to longevity in my running. So get involved, your hip flexors need this!”



"I think Kinstretch will keep me moving until I'm in my 90s - keep up the excellent work, Travis"



Start Your Strength & Mobility Journey

Movement Screen / Assessment

In your assessment i will aim to gain a thorough understanding of your overall movement and posture, highlighting any areas that might be compressed , limited or causing any pain signals. This is to help us see where we are at and where we need to go as efficiently as possible whether our goal be training or rehab.

Book Assessment

1-1 Sessions

Get in touch to arrange a premium 1-1 session with me. I will focus specifically on you and your needs to help you to alter your biomechanics, so your body serves you better. This includes expanding your range of motion, specific strength training and rehab; or if you're just wanting to feel and move better - I will help you on your journey.

Get In Touch